
Saturday, 31 December 2011

Farewell 2011

I'm taking time out from being Miss Social with the parentals, to post my last blog entry for 2011.  Ooooooh, 2012 is only a few hours away!  It has definitely been a year of ups and downs, with big events happening and new friends made (love you long time Mah Julie, Kate "Kittehllama", Tracey, Karen and Melski), and old friendships made even stronger.  Realising how resilient I truly can be was a highlight, although it came from a low point. I also missed seeing Breaking Dawn, although judging by the reviews I didn't miss much! 

Anywho, writing about 2011 would have me here all night, so instead I've decided to post photos to show a snapshot of our 2011.

So, here is TPP 2011 'It's A Wrap' Edition.

From nine months of hyperemesis, multiple growth scans, and a belly...

... to the perfect, amazing arrival of my darling Molly earthside!

The 4th Birthday of Princess Delaney, who loves to dance and sing.

The 9th Birthday of my big beautiful Princess Maddison, who is personality plus!

While Princess Georgia celebrated her 2nd birthday in style!

Moving to Perth, and catching up with best friends!

As well as friends who have been around since they were both in utero!

Fulfilling an item on my bucket list (if only we had met Matt Moran *sigh*)

Watching my brother Mr S get married!

Visits from my Mum, my Nana and my Mother in Law!

Losing our beloved Aries...

Welcoming my teddybear Flynn for my 30th birthday....

As well as Miss Suki kitty, who has helped heal broken hearts.

Lots of fun!

Stella becoming an angel.

Christmas with my girls, Mr J, and some of our best friends!

A new car (oooooh!)

 Princess Molly growing!
And finally, seeing in 2011 at the foreshore.

I will hopefully get a chance to write about my dreams and wishes for 2012 tomorrow.  In the meantime, I wish everyone love, light and happiness for the following year!


  1. Awww, I loved seeing that 2011 summary. What a year it has been! We MUST catch up these school holidays before my uni goes back and the kids go to school!!! <3 Enjoy your new year love.

  2. great post, loved it!! I love how pictures can tell a whole story.... can't wait to see what 2012 holds for you and your lovely family xx
