
Sunday, 1 April 2012

"Sleep is the best meditation."

My goodness, I'm a slack blogger.  I'm hanging my head in shame, when I just saw that my last post was in February. February! Tsk tsk tsk.

I wish I could come up with a super awesome excuse filled with radness about why I haven't put pen to paper.... er fingers to keyboard, and written for so long.  But alas, my excuse is pitiful.  I'm tired.  Not just tired, tired.  But I-Fall-Asleep-While-Sitting-Up kind of tired.  The other week we went for a drive, and I fell asleep with my head on the armrest. I think I snored.  Why am I so tired?!?! For a start, Princess Mini M isn't sleeping much! She is so restless, rolling in her sleep and crying out, which then wakes her up where she needs to be resettled.  She falls asleep, and it begins again.  Teething, who knows? In the past 48 hours I have had six hours sleep. Six.  It's so cruel! There is no respite during the day with Mr J being at work.  No break.  No chance to recharge.  My body is fatigued, my eyes are constantly running.  I look like a zombie.  I stumble over simple sentences and forget what I was doing.  Tonight I cried.  Molly went down for the night at 6pm.  I gave her a goodnight kiss, then I lay on my bed, hugged my Edenkitty, and cried.  Because I am so tired and worn out! I love my girls so, so much.  But they truly are creatures who siphon all of your energy (brilliant piece of work, whoever posted that on Facebook!).  My mantra? This too shall pass, otherwise there is always night time tv.  Last night I watched Bride of Chucky.  (Repeating my mantra now as Mooski has already woken twice since she went to bed.)

In other news, it is less than two weeks before we start our epic roadtrip! All together now.... SQUEEE!!!!!  To say I am excited is an understatement!  So many people I have missed desperately the past twelve months, so many people who are yet to meet my Mooski.  It's going to a special trip, that's for sure!

Otherwise we're just plodding along.  Mr J and I have done our Easter shopping for the girls: chocolate eggs for my big princesses, and a bunny and a Thumper outfit for the littlest.  My darling friend Cherie sent over some awesome eggs and baskets for our Easter Egg Hunt, the princesses have been carrying the eggs around in their baskets, warming up for the competition! Thank you Cherie, we loves ya!

(Let's make that three times. Sigh.)

Speaking of friends, I have realised that I have a couple of emotional vampires in my midst.  If you don't knows what an emotional vampire is, have a google! I don't think these people are helping my current fatigueness (I made a word, haha), constantly giving while they constantly take is draining.  Yes, we're all fighting our own battles, but empty promises or pretending to care, talking about yourself and your problems without so much as a "How are you?", well it's just plain rude!  So I have begun to distance myself from these individuals, as I decided this year that I refused to give any more of my time to toxic people.  Emotionally investing yourself constantly in someone who is ungrateful or who doesn't return the favour when you're not feeling too flash yourself just sucks.  I think that's me unleashing some of my inner Wolf Woman. Finally!

Now Princess Mini M has completed her trifecta and I feel better for having fed my poor neglected blog, I may attempt to nap between wakings.  Ha!


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